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Hairfoot Rogue. |
Our new player brought a character sheet for his 8th level Dragonborn Ranger from the game he plays with older kids. Alarm bells went off in my head, and I knew this would be a tougher session to run than last time. I took him aside and talked to him about how this game was different: different rules, no classes, and no dragonborn characters. I offered him the 4 pregens I had left, and he chose the Hairfoot Rogue.
I had him roll Thievery to gather rumors that he could pass on to the rest of the party, and to show him how the mechanics worked. I think he got the mechanics pretty quickly. My daughter wanted to name this session "The Haunted Church", so I gave him a rumor about a roadside church back toward civilization. People went in to pray and many times they didn't come out. We went back to join the rest of the party.
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They skipped the church... |
Decision Time
The party marched their orc prisoner back to town and handed him off to the magistrate. Yes, there were renewed calls of "kill the prisoner" on the way, and our new rogue decided to play to stereotype and try to loot and steal everything. Sometimes a little RPG experience is dangerous.
Everyone had a chance to reintroduce their characters. Everyone took the same characters they had last time, which avoided the "I want to play the archer this time!" discussion that I feared. Everyone's character slept and got mana and hit points back.
The joking and disruption kept going. There was confusion about who already knew each other. I explained (twice) that the rogue had been part of the pre-game adventure of killing the dragon, but he had been delayed in town and couldn't investigate the Haunted Guardpost with the rest of them. We got into a metagame discussion about where the rumor about the church came from. It was a struggle to keep everyone's attention, and the Rogue's "I want to rob the rich houses in town" refrain didn't help. It's a village. You're in the richest house in town; it's called the inn, and you're lucky it got two stars.
In the morning, the party saw the magistrate mount a horse and head east toward more civilized lands with his orc prisoner in tow. They also had a decision to make. I gave them the option of checking out the haunted church, or following up on the information the orc prisoner gave about the rest of the orc warband holing up in a cave a few hours' walk past the guardpost. Since they got it in their heads that the orcs may attack sooner rather than later, they chose to check out the warband.
The Approach
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...and went for the cave with the orcs. |
In looting the body, they only found an orcish sword, which they kept. They found no other guards outside, so they approached the cave entrance. The Druid checked for tracks and counted at least 20 orcs who have been here for at least 2 weeks. The Wizard cast Light on his staff so everyone would be able to see when they went in. The Rogue wanted to zip off ahead (and probably die), and he wanted the Wizard's staff so he could see.
The Rogue wanted to use his Interaction to talk the Wizard out of his staff. I wouldn't allow using a social ability against another PC, especially since the Wizard's player was out of the room at the time. I suggested asking the Wizard for his staff and seeing how that went. There was asking and pleading, then the Rogue got stuck on "stabbing the Wizard in the butt". Time to refocus away from that rathole, as everyone was talking too loudly to hear anyone else anyway.
The Archer looked into the cave with her Incredible Sight, and saw the tunnel take a left after about 30 feet. On the wall opposite the entrance, she saw a half dozen arrow slits. An arrow narrowly missed her, and suddenly all butt-stabbing was forgotten.
The Best Laid Plans End With "Get 'Em!"
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How deep is your dungeon? |
They turned the corner and saw that the tunnel took a right about 30 feet in. At the corner, there were 2 rough curtains covering a section of both walls. One of the boys came up with, "Maybe there's a naked lady behind the curtain!" and suddenly everybody wanted to get to the curtains. At this point I kept going around the table asking what everyone was doing, and fighting to keep everyone quiet until it was their turn. After everyone had their say, I moved all the minis and resolved everything at once. It worked fairly well, I think.
Unfortunately, there was a trap in the hallway. The floor dropped about a foot, and spikes flew out to catch the Warrior, Monk, and Rogue in the shins for a few points of damage each. All but the Rogue fell down - again the high Rogue score saves the day. Four orcs came out from behind one of the curtains, from what looked like a kitchen. They had aprons and meat cleavers and charged the trapped characters. Shouts came from around the corner and further down the tunnel.
The party recovered, and killed half the orcs in one round. Another half dozen came around the corner. The Rogue asked if he could loot the body. I said "Sure, but these two will get free attacks on you. Still want to do it?" He declined. The party heard horns sounding further down the tunnel, and more sounds of orcs arming for battle. The Druid feared his estimate of the number of orcs was woefully low.
The Better Part of Valor
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The second dozen got the point across. |
The Rogue started thinking about making traps. I told him anything would take time, but he could improvise something. He ran outside the cave and looked for rocks above the cave mouth to hopefully cause some damage and deter pursuit when the orcs came streaming out of the cave.
The Archer took an orc body, still smouldering from the fatal Firebolt hit, dragged it over to the arrow slits and stuffed the corpse's arm into one. The smoke from the body gave the party some cover from the archers behind the wall. In my mind, that was the awesome play of the day, right there.
The Monk used Athletics and Acrobatics to flip over to the other curtain, take a look behind it (a storeroom full of questionable foodstuffs), and jump back to join the party on the way out the door. Everyone else executed a decent fighting withdrawl, giving the Rogue a few rounds to work.
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Not quite this, but effective. |
Back in Dragonville
They made it back to town in the evening to lick their wounds and try to fence their orc sword. Woo. At this point, the game broke up. They were more interested in playing with each other than playing the game, so I let them go. I did mention that the magistrate came back to town that evening and offered the party the use of the guardpost if they wanted to fix it up. So next time, they have more choices about what to do.
Everyone was scattered, trying to be funny, not paying attention to the game, and definitely talking too loudly. They're young, I get that. It was a full moon, which may have had something to do with it. I didn't have as much fun as I did the first time. Keeping everyone on the same page and repeating everything a few times so everyone knew what was happening got old quickly.
I've got some more thoughts and reactions on this session, but I think I'll break those out into another post like I did last time.
Thanks for reading!
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