
The Rumor Mill - Week 35

We continue covering idioms for week 35 of The Rumor Mill with another 8 phrases from languages heard around Beneterra. I pulled together a list of idioms from several languages for last week's Rumor Mill post, and I learned that it's currently Māori Language Week 2024 (and yes, it's 9/16 and I'm 3 weeks behind schedule right now - 2 weeks after this post goes live). I had to get a couple of Te Reo (my basis for Towani in Beneterra) phrases on the books in honor of that, so to heck with it, I'll do a whole additional week of idioms. It's not like I'm running out of languages and cultures that haven't been mentioned yet or anything.

Back to the word mines to glean a few more sparkling turns of phrase to sprinkle into cosmopolitan conversation here in Fellport.


The Rumor Mill - Week 34

Idioms from languages around Fellport populate our list in week 34 of The Rumor Mill. Every language has its own quirks and subtle meanings, and this list just scratches the surface. From insults guaranteed to start fights, to blessings and rhymes about wisdom, we explore a range of topics from the Surtsey Islands in the far north, to Andalusia across the Center Sea, to Ionia, Okular, Dunhill, the Clanholds of the Molten Throne, and Alfinwald closer to home.

Time to learn a few common phrases in other languages from the docks in Fellport harbor and delve a little into their meanings, both rumored and actual.


The Rumor Mill - Week 33

Join us on a journey into the most significant political and military force on the north shore of the Middle Sea for week 33 of The Rumor Mill: the Ionian Republic. Yes, an emperor led them until Empress Irene stepped down and made way for the Republic about 150 years ago. Since then, Ionia's power has waned significantly. They once ruled the entire shore of the Middle Sea, north and south, but most of their holdings on the south shore are no longer under their control. Colonies rebelled, and the Legions shrank as entire subcultures left the Republic. To add insult to injury, they've fallen behind in the race for technology, divine influence, and arcane power.

Let's see what the rumor mill says about this once-great power as we trawl Fellport Harbor for stories about Ionia.


The Rumor Mill - Week 32

Week 32 of The Rumor Mill shows us pranks and practical jokes around Fellport. Most cause no lasting harm, but some may actually result in imprisonment, waking up from a bender hours out to sea as fresh recruits on a ship's crew, or even death by curse. Some stories have ascended to the realm of legend, with details exaggerated by the passage of time. Are the stories true? In some cases we may never know.

Let's dive into the world of the prankster, laughing at misdirection, surprise, and the unexpected misfortune of others.


The Rumor Mill - Week 31

We take a slight detour for week 31 of The Rumor Mill, as we leave the comfortable pages of the Dockside Rag and wander the streets of Fellport to overhear snippets of conversation. Most of these quotes simply provide a glimpse into the speaker's perception of the world, flawed though it may be. Some snippets may draw curious adventurers into exploring a part of the city they may not otherwise visit, but maybe the speaker simply dangles trapped bait in front of inquisitive types in an attempt to rob or extort them. Or maybe the gibberings of the seemingly mad reveal snippets of worlds hidden beyond the material plane we all share.

Either way, let's keep our ears open to catch these curious statements floating by on the sea breeze.