We continue covering idioms for week 35 of The Rumor Mill with another 8 phrases from languages heard around Beneterra. I pulled together a list of idioms from several languages for last week's Rumor Mill post, and I learned that it's currently Māori Language Week 2024 (and yes, it's 9/16 and I'm 3 weeks behind schedule right now - 2 weeks after this post goes live). I had to get a couple of Te Reo (my basis for Towani in Beneterra) phrases on the books in honor of that, so to heck with it, I'll do a whole additional week of idioms. It's not like I'm running out of languages and cultures that haven't been mentioned yet or anything.
Back to the word mines to glean a few more sparkling turns of phrase to sprinkle into cosmopolitan conversation here in Fellport.