
Coin of Fortune Reversal

Wondrous item, rare

This ancient platinum coin has runic letters spelling out "Fate" on one side, and XIII representing the number 13 in Roman numerals under a rounded image of a full bag on the other. It has a nice weight for flipping, and it rings out a clear tone whenever flipped, easily audible within 60 feet.

As a reaction, you may flip the coin, requiring at least one free hand or a mage hand cast by someone who wields wild magic. The result of any d20 roll within 30 feet of the coin can be reversed, by flipping the die over and reading the bottom face. For normal d20s, this should result in a new value of 21 minus the original roll. So a roll of 1 would become a 20 and vice versa.


The Rumor Mill - Week 52

We look at another list of slang for week 52 of The Rumor Mill, but this time in a smattering of other languages. If humans build culture by stealing interesting customs from everyone they meet, then Common mugs other languages in back alleys and rifles through their pockets looking for interesting words and phrases to absorb. In a cosmopolitan city like Fellport, you can hear several languages spoken, sometimes all at once in the same conversation.

Let's take a look at this pocketful of entertaining language nuggets and see what Common might want to retain.

The Rumor Mill - Week 51

Slang fills our list for week 51 of The Rumor Mill. From swapping insults between water-breathers and air-breathers to dozens of names for a rich fool, we cover a cross-section of everyday terms you might hear in Fellport that mean something other than the strict definition given by sages. Like most slang, many of these terms grew from backhanded "compliments", reductive summaries, or dismissive language, all meant to end conversation or start fights.

So let's dive into this week's list. Rest assured, there's no shortage of language flying around the streets of Fellport, so maybe we'll finish the #Lore24 year with a second week of slang after this.


The Rumor Mill - Week 50

Since 50 is a nice, round number, let's talk about milestones for week 50 of The Rumor Mill. We look at record high graduation classes at the College, and record low vacationers at Crystal Lake. Annual festivals, newly-returned dragons, people healed, and zero combat fatalities round out our list of rumors this week.

So let's dive in to the round numbers of anniversaries, milestones, and record lows of this week's worldbuilding miscellany. We've got 2 more Rumor Mills to go, and 3 days left in the year to finish them. I think I've got this, but we'll see for sure in a few days.


The Rumor Mill - Week 49

Let's take another look at gods and their followers for week 49 of The Rumor Mill. And I just realized that I previously looked at gods in Week 4 and Week 9, so numerology fans will feel a thrill that it's currently Week 49. Totally unplanned, so let's hear it for the invisible influence of the gods, yeah?

As for topics, we question both the need for ubiquitous gods of death and the strength of disease gods in the face of clerical healing. We name-drop gods from several pantheons, looking at oddities and similarities as we go.

So let's get into this week's rumors about the gods and their followers.