
The Pennypint Pub

On the Goldway (Level 7), almost exactly halfway between the Lift and the Lakeside Ramps, a broad two-story wooden building with a covered porch along the street has stood seemingly forever, with a 45-foot-tall chestnut tree towering above, shading its entire backyard. A sign of a wooden tankard with a large copper penny hangs over the stairs up to the porch and main entrance. To the left, a hitching rail along the alley opens to a yard stretching back to the cliff wall, providing tables with stool and Adirondack chairs clustered around small braziers to chase off the night's chill.

Inside, tables and chairs fill most of the space. A long bar faces the front double doors, and double doors to the left behind the bar lead out into the back yard. A bowl of spiky chestnut pods always sits on the bar, offering "Lucky Pods from The Penny Chestnut" for a silver each. Each contains 2-7 chestnuts, and very occasionally a penny, said to bring good luck and wealth. Double doors to the right of the bar allow access into the Big Room, available for private functions and meetings. Stairs in the front room lead up to a few private meeting rooms, and a locked door leads to the bedrooms and living space above. An extensive basement holds all manner of libations, and more than a few barrels of preserved bar snacks and nuts.

The Wingate family has run the Pennypint for the past 90 years, still honoring Carter and Zinnia's initial promise of offering something drinkable for a penny a pint back when they first opened the pub. Prices have gone up over the years, but the Pennypint House Ale still costs a penny, and it still whets your whistle without causing permanent harm. Doyle Wingate and his wife Pinkie truly seem to enjoy spreading joy with their little pub, eager to help out in the community and lend an ear to vendors down on their luck. Their eight children have grown up in the Pennypint, and they mostly seem content with running the family business. The eldest, Cyrus, left to pursue other opportunities years ago, but he occasionally returns for a drink and a story when he can.

The Merchant's Chamber regularly holds meetings in the Pennypint's Big Room, as it has ample space in close proximity to the shops on Goldway and Midmarket just above. In meetings Carter advocates for slower change and a spirit of giving against a rising chorus of new merchants wanting more services and money from the Council. He has a harder time keeping his cool in meetings recently, and he has repeatedly talked with Pinkie about possibly cutting ties with the Chamber soon.

Part of T.W.Wombat's #City23 project. See the Fellport Index for all entries.

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