
The Rumor Mill - Week 28

Threats fill the headlines in week 28 of The Rumor Mill. Between the Ionian invasion to reconquer Fellport, the various groups intending ill will within the city walls, and the undead rising from the Sea of Sorrows, citizens of Fellport have plenty to fear. Heroes rise to protect those who can't protect themselves, but most of the citizens can hold their own. The Fellport Watch form the first line of defense, but student wizards from the College, the various clerics from the Divinity Sanctum, and the talented adventurers around town back them up whenever needed.

Let's hear about various forms of impending doom for Fellport, and maybe learn how to keep them at bay.

1I heard that someone saw a mind flayer on Dockside yesterday. That's new.Yes1
2The dragons are back after centuries! We're all at risk of death by dragon attack.Maybe2
3Since undead hordes rise from the Sea of Sorrows, Nelendi clerics are to blame.No3
4The Deepspeakers will attack the city with overwhelming force in the near future.Maybe4
5Ionia wants Fellport to rejoin the Republic, by force of arms if necessary.Yes5
6Andalusia has stepped up their trade war. They want to bankrupt Fellport and Ionia.Maybe6
7The Lakeside VI already own half the Council, and they kill people for fun.No7
8There's a cabal at the College worshipping Orcus, who wants us all undead.Yes8

1 - Mind flayers haven't been seen in Fellport for centuries. If they're back, something changed, and not for the better.
2 - Hopefully some powerful metallic and gem dragons will "adopt" centers of civilization and keep the chromatics at bay.
3 - Shuimu, the Mother of Waters, hates undead, and even Ooran, Queen of the Drowned, doesn't know who commands them.
4 - They've been planning Makara's liberation for centuries. Although dreams in Fellport have gotten worse recently.
5 - Given that they're still withdrawing after the siege of the Topside Wall, I don't think even dragons will discourage them.
6 - Andalusia built a dozen brand new clipper ships to speed up trade, but they're quite far from cornering any markets.
7 - They're a thieves' guild. They value coin and the power that comes from social manipulation. Neither exist without people.
8 - The Caps recently found and destroyed a shrine to Orcus on campus, so they're on higher alert for demonic activity.

Part of T.W.Wombat's Lore 24 project, detailing the world around Fellport.
For all city posts, see the Fellport Index. For posts about the wider world, see the Beneterra Index.

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