Welcome to Fellport. First time? Excellent. You can lose your money on an urchin showing you around, or you can buy the almanac and get more information than you will ever need to navigate the streets and groups in the city. It even provides some useful information about the wider world. Only 3 gold, and it's indexed!
What The Heck Is Fellport?
Fellport is the home city in my current D&D 5e campaign. The characters started as level zero apprentices running through A Hero's Journey (highly recommended), and they are currently level 6 as of the start of 2024. Things have been added through play and through two year-long worldbuilding prompts: #City23 (a variation of #Dungeon23) and #Lore24.
For your reference and convenience, here are all posts with the Fellport tag. Here are all posts with the #City23 tag. Here are all posts with the #Lore24 tag. You can find the Fellport Index and the Beneterra Index below, with brief descriptions for each link.
I still have the hastily-scrawled map of the city that I slapped together near the start of the campaign...
Yes, I scribbled it in a lined notebook. Sue me. I'm getting a regional map together at some point as well, so stay tuned.
Below you'll find a list of all posts pertaining to Fellport and the wider world of Beneterra from all sources. Yes, some names don't have entries yet, and some streets don't have names. The process continues, and these will be added as they appear.
D&D 5E Rules
- Grenadier Feat - Grants proficiency, accuracy, and bonus crit damage with rocks and grenades.
Beneterra Index
General Cultural Topics
- A Brief Overview Of Beneterra - A rough summary of Fellport and world history.
- Fellport Language Primer - A list of languages spoken and written in and around Fellport.
Countries Of The World
- Alfinwald - The wooded domain of elves and forest gnomes, led by Monarch Syl-Foressa.
- The Dunhill Confederacy - Hilly domain of the Banner Kings.
- The Dragontouched - Zealous winged kobolds, keepers of the Breath of the Recurring Scale.
Locations, Legends, and Stories
- Dragon Peak - Lair of the long-dead silver dragon Shaxalar, and site of a permanent gate.
- The Five Trials: Entry Level - Requires dragons, dwarves, and elves to work together.
- Trial of Earth - Tiamat circles the eternal battlefield in an endless night.
- Trial of Water - A water elemental keeps everyone away from an overflowing fountain.
- Trial of Air - Five stones in suffocating freefall demand a choice as blue dragons circle.
- Trial of Fire - Fire and ice devils muster behind elemental pillars in precarious balance.
- Trial of Moonlight - Orcus walks an endless plain of bones as ghosts hurl taunts.
- The Elements Puzzle - Harmonize elements and unlock the final door to Dragon Peak.
- Fey Pools - Places of natural power in forests that allow travel to the Fey Realm.
- Haig & Sons Distillery - Kinloch's local distillery in Dunhill. Run by Fergus & Colin Haig.
- The Lost Library of Stonemoor - The Mage of the Moor's lost library in Dunhill.
Songs of the World
- Breath of the Recurring Scale - A prophecy central to Dragontouched beliefs.
- Dunhill's Dram - An old song from Dunhill extolling the glories of whiskey.
Fellport Index
Locations Outside Fellport
- Crystal Lake - The main fresh water supply for Fellport and source for the Raceway.
- Menagerie Manor - The old Albinus Estate, used as a natural haven by Ciara Moray.
- Oakshade Loretree - An ancient awakened tree who gathers and swaps stories.
- Oakshade Loretree - An ancient awakened tree who gathers and swaps stories.
Fellport Infrastructure
- The Lift - An elevator system running up and down the center of the city.
- The Ramps - Two series of sturdy switchback ramps run the height of the city.
- Cliffside Walk - This path atop the disused city wall provides spectacular sunsets.
- The Lift - An elevator system running up and down the center of the city.
- The Ramps - Two series of sturdy switchback ramps run the height of the city.
- Cliffside Walk - This path atop the disused city wall provides spectacular sunsets.
- Constabilia Arcanum - The College's internal security force, also known as Caps.
- Deepspeakers - A group in league with the entity trapped under Fellport Harbor.
- The Divinity Circle - Registered religions share worship space in the Divinity Sanctum.
- The Dockworkers Union - A group dedicated to protecting member laborers.
- Dragons - Not an organized group, but a few dragons have decided to stay around Fellport.
- Ahktu - An ancient bronze dragon who wants to start a monastery.
- Endarix - An ancient gold dragon and an old friend of Tor-Nazar.
- Fellport Cleanliness Authority - The Binfolk keep the streets clean and the drains flowing.
- The Fellport Council - Five elected officials that run Fellport.
- Genna Sinclair - Justicar of the Divinity Sanctum, follower of the Light of Truth.
- The Fellport Watch - Responsible for security and city defense.
- Lt. Terry Duncan - Lt. Commander of the Watch Reserves. Juggles daggers.
- The Free College of Collaborations Arcane - Known as The College. Teaches magic.
- Alton Stonehollow - Dean of Abjuration, currently researching Orichalcum.
- Ami Deniz - Dean of Alchemy, currently researching Orichalcum.
- Folio Fools - The campus drama club, performing in the Philosopher's Stone.
- Krannock Steelshanks - Ex-Dean of Abjuration, has been missing for 3 years.
- Randir Greymantle - Conjuration professor. Heading off to explore the planes.
- Legio XIII Solmurus - The most famous Ionian legion, geared to resist magic.
- The Liftwardens' Guild - Provides staff, security, and maintenance for the Lift.
- Merchants' Chamber - Members pay dues and work together to improve trade in Fellport.
- The Urchins - A confederation of street kids who hustle, run errands, and sell information.
- Birdie Salt - Leads a detective team that solves issues for the Urchins.
- Way of the Tankard - A monastic order founded by Zemion focusing on combat improvisation.
- Magnus Kay - Local orphan with bad direction sense now performs for parties.
- Vellix - Tabaxi who runs The Tankard Bar. She can swear in eight languages.
- Constabilia Arcanum - The College's internal security force, also known as Caps.
- Deepspeakers - A group in league with the entity trapped under Fellport Harbor.
- The Divinity Circle - Registered religions share worship space in the Divinity Sanctum.
- The Dockworkers Union - A group dedicated to protecting member laborers.
- Dragons - Not an organized group, but a few dragons have decided to stay around Fellport.
- Ahktu - An ancient bronze dragon who wants to start a monastery.
- Endarix - An ancient gold dragon and an old friend of Tor-Nazar.
- Fellport Cleanliness Authority - The Binfolk keep the streets clean and the drains flowing.
- The Fellport Council - Five elected officials that run Fellport.
- Genna Sinclair - Justicar of the Divinity Sanctum, follower of the Light of Truth.
- The Fellport Watch - Responsible for security and city defense.
- Lt. Terry Duncan - Lt. Commander of the Watch Reserves. Juggles daggers.
- The Free College of Collaborations Arcane - Known as The College. Teaches magic.
- Alton Stonehollow - Dean of Abjuration, currently researching Orichalcum.
- Ami Deniz - Dean of Alchemy, currently researching Orichalcum.
- Folio Fools - The campus drama club, performing in the Philosopher's Stone.
- Krannock Steelshanks - Ex-Dean of Abjuration, has been missing for 3 years.
- Randir Greymantle - Conjuration professor. Heading off to explore the planes.
- Legio XIII Solmurus - The most famous Ionian legion, geared to resist magic.
- The Liftwardens' Guild - Provides staff, security, and maintenance for the Lift.
- Merchants' Chamber - Members pay dues and work together to improve trade in Fellport.
- The Urchins - A confederation of street kids who hustle, run errands, and sell information.
- Birdie Salt - Leads a detective team that solves issues for the Urchins.
- Way of the Tankard - A monastic order founded by Zemion focusing on combat improvisation.
- Magnus Kay - Local orphan with bad direction sense now performs for parties.
- Vellix - Tabaxi who runs The Tankard Bar. She can swear in eight languages.
Other Items of Interest
- Acumen - A sentient rapier that dispels illusions and hates shapeshifters.
- The Adventures of Cochrane Ironcalf - A series of 53 books (so far) spanning 180 years.
- Amulet of Feign Death - A scrimshaw skull that makes the wearer appear dead.
- Arrow of Grounding - An inexpensive arrow that suppresses flight.
- Bastion Helm - Area effect mental protection and shiny protective headgear in one.
- Coin of Fortune Reversal - Reverses the result of a single die roll when flipped.
- Dagger of Null Magic - An early experiment with Orichalcum that suppresses magic.
- Divining Dirk - A dagger that points at the closest gold. Or emerald. Or whatever.
- Door Plaque - A custom metal sign that blends in and enhances locks.
- The Dread Helm - Mind flayer artifact of nightmares. Very cursed.
- Fog Gem - A large gem that makes fog. Anyone touching the gem can see through the fog.
- Frog Lily - A nasty little druidic single-use item that calls a plague of frogs.
- Glowing Dust - Imagine a light spell spread across a handful of dust.
- Mist Rapier - A fey weapon that slowly summons fog to hide itself.
- Multispout - Attached to a bottle, it adds 6 more extradimensional liquid storage spaces.
- Occam's Razor - Finn Durgin's greatest broadsword, so sharp it cuts through lies.
- Orichalcum - An anti-magic metallic alchemical paint which can alter bronze.
- Pentadamas Diadem - This headpiece stores the essences of all 5 types of gem dragons.
- The Persuader - A hammer made by a dwarven skald that speaks one word: Yield.
- Phase Silk Kimono - Only made in Yamagura for distinguished arcane spellcasters.
- Platinum Geode - A protective pendant given to dwarven nobility.
- Pocket Mansion - A powerful hybrid of a portable hole and an extradimensional mansion.
- Puppet Mushrooms - Used to make a quickly-metabolized poison that causes blackouts.
- Quizzing Glass - A monocle that translates written text. Overuse causes headaches.
- Redmoon Restorative Lozenges - Throat-soothing candies from The Crystal Beaker.
- Ring of Enhanced Healing - A low-level sorcerer-created ring to boost healing.
- Ring of Storing - Can store or recall an item with a snap of the fingers.
- Scutum Solis - A magic-resisting Ionian "sun shield" used by troops of the Legio Solmurus.
- Shrieking Pouch - A pouch that screams when stolen. A practical joker's dream item.
- Silver Spear - Hangs in the Caps office as a reminder to Weather The Storm.
- Sorcerer's Secret - A large bracer that stores 4 wands and keeps the wearer's hands free.
- Sunderscale - The dragonslaying claymore, currently traded in Dunhill as a joke.
- Travel Teapot - A plain ceramic teapot that purifies water before boiling it.
The Harbor (and Beyond)
- The Breakwater - The oldest city improvement project in Fellport protects the harbor.
- Execution Wharf - Gibbets displayed slain pirates here as a warning to others.
- The Gostra Pole - This greased pole hosts an annual competition and festival.
- The Grey Rover - A driftwood-colored pirate ship captained by Oya Stormqueen.
- Bosun Cutter - An imposing woman with a huge sword.
- Lt. Filch - A scared human rogue traumatized by a huge secret.
- Lt. Pike - A failed acolyte who found his purpose in fighting.
- Lt. Webby - An aquatic elf who hates humans and talks to fish.
- Pirate's Spire - A magical lighthouse that used to hold imprisoned pirates.
- Spire of Light - Twin to the Pirate's Spire, a lighthouse that holds countless shrines.
- Weather Deck Distillery - Distills rum in a wrecked ship. Run by Tori Longwood.
- The Breakwater - The oldest city improvement project in Fellport protects the harbor.
- Execution Wharf - Gibbets displayed slain pirates here as a warning to others.
- The Gostra Pole - This greased pole hosts an annual competition and festival.
- The Grey Rover - A driftwood-colored pirate ship captained by Oya Stormqueen.
- Bosun Cutter - An imposing woman with a huge sword.
- Lt. Filch - A scared human rogue traumatized by a huge secret.
- Lt. Pike - A failed acolyte who found his purpose in fighting.
- Lt. Webby - An aquatic elf who hates humans and talks to fish.
- Pirate's Spire - A magical lighthouse that used to hold imprisoned pirates.
- Spire of Light - Twin to the Pirate's Spire, a lighthouse that holds countless shrines.
- Weather Deck Distillery - Distills rum in a wrecked ship. Run by Tori Longwood.
Level 1: Dockside
- Pud'n - Food stall run by Pud'n the half-orc chef.
- The Red Rudder - Good, cheap bar and "secret" casino run by Jasper Sondal-Nesmith.
- The Sly Spider - Ship repair by Bez, the retired (and cursed?) spider climbing thief.
- Water's Edge Warehouses - Storage space for rent, run by Silas Greenbough.
- Pud'n - Food stall run by Pud'n the half-orc chef.
- The Red Rudder - Good, cheap bar and "secret" casino run by Jasper Sondal-Nesmith.
- The Sly Spider - Ship repair by Bez, the retired (and cursed?) spider climbing thief.
- Water's Edge Warehouses - Storage space for rent, run by Silas Greenbough.
Level 2: Hempenway
- The Meat Locker - Butcher shop by day; drag show by night. Run by Jorgen Minervubur.
- The Rusty Anchor - Dive bar popular with sailors and dockworkers.
- Sails & Lines - Industrial ropery and sailmaker, currently run by Amos Dowd.
- Trident Salvage - Part workshop for cargo recovery, part curio museum, run by Shaan.
- The Meat Locker - Butcher shop by day; drag show by night. Run by Jorgen Minervubur.
- The Rusty Anchor - Dive bar popular with sailors and dockworkers.
- Sails & Lines - Industrial ropery and sailmaker, currently run by Amos Dowd.
- Trident Salvage - Part workshop for cargo recovery, part curio museum, run by Shaan.
Level 3: Arena Boulevard
- The Bounty Below - Sushi and seafood plus biology lessons by Braggi "The Returned".
- The Grand Odeon - The old arena, now an indoor performance space, run by Bert DeSilva.
- Rampart Cookie Bar - Look for their cookie carts around town. Run by Quilia Ven.
- The Sacred Squid - Upscale eatery and bar run by Damla Balik, Azeron, and Fianna Vita.
- Sticks and Stones - Tools and weapons, plus an experimental showroom by Ben.
- The Tankard Bar - A plainly-decorated bar owned by The Way of the Tankard. Run by Vellix.
- The Bounty Below - Sushi and seafood plus biology lessons by Braggi "The Returned".
- The Grand Odeon - The old arena, now an indoor performance space, run by Bert DeSilva.
- Rampart Cookie Bar - Look for their cookie carts around town. Run by Quilia Ven.
- The Sacred Squid - Upscale eatery and bar run by Damla Balik, Azeron, and Fianna Vita.
- Sticks and Stones - Tools and weapons, plus an experimental showroom by Ben.
- The Tankard Bar - A plainly-decorated bar owned by The Way of the Tankard. Run by Vellix.
Level 4: Tallglass Avenue
- Talltown - The Giant's Quarter takes up the Cliffside half of Level 4.
- Stone Toenails - A spell component shop in an old shrine run by Felix Argentum.
- Wildside Emporium - Thea Willowstaff's shop trading in unreliable magic items.
- Fellport Glassworks - Industrial bottles and panes, run by Chief Artisan Thaddeous Reed.
- Highwater House - Provides housing for anyone under Aurelia Stonecairn's guidance.
- Apothic Carrie - An ex-legionnaire turned punster alchemist punk agitator.
- Zora the Waif - A haunted teen with wild white hair who barely speaks.
Level 5: The Hills
- Talltown - The Giant's Quarter takes up the Cliffside half of Level 4.
- Stone Toenails - A spell component shop in an old shrine run by Felix Argentum.
- Wildside Emporium - Thea Willowstaff's shop trading in unreliable magic items.
- Fellport Glassworks - Industrial bottles and panes, run by Chief Artisan Thaddeous Reed.
- Highwater House - Provides housing for anyone under Aurelia Stonecairn's guidance.
- Apothic Carrie - An ex-legionnaire turned punster alchemist punk agitator.
- Zora the Waif - A haunted teen with wild white hair who barely speaks.
Level 5: The Hills
- The Crystal Beaker - A run-down alchemy shop with new owner Tilly Redmoon.
- Elemental Solutions - Installs elemental-powered devices, run by Vadym Burza.
- Enid Fenrock - The clever rock gnome twin who invents machines for elementals.
- Glimmer Fenrock - The physical rock gnome twin who hauls and assists.
- Finnegan's - The spiritual heart of The Hills with a wake most nights, run by Tessa Finnegan.
- The Forgotten Flat - A magically-hidden bolthole in an alley, built by Krannock Steelshanks.
- Encounter: Demon on the Docks - An escaped Wastrilith heads for the harbor.
Level 6: Rainbow Road / The Millway
- Healing Draughts - A tiny hole-in-the-wall potion shop run by Tamar the Healer.
- Hues of Life - Heart of the Artist's Quarter, run by Lynn Sanders, the Monk of Paint.
- Imperial Mills - Grinds enough grain to feed everyone in Fellport. Run by Florian Amicus.
- Terra's Bones - A multimedia workshop at the far end of the Artist's Quarter run by Ryn.
Level 7: The Goldway
- The Pennypint Pub - Home of The Penny Chestnut, run by Doyle and Pinkie Wingate.
Level 8: Diplomat's Row / Midmarket
- The Underground - A subterranean shopping complex, converted from a smuggler's hideout. Owned by Duncan McKinsey.
- The Sorcerer's Secret - Wands and accessories by Lydianna "The Whip".
- Steinkellar Bar - Club, bar, celebrities, and private parties by Karanog Dawngold.
Level 9: Council Plaza / Undercampus Way
- The Council House - Fellport's first mansion, currently the seat of the city's government.
- Sariel - Wood elven woman who has served as steward since imperial times.
- Magic Touch Cleaners - Cleans clothes. Owned by Max Silverfoot; run by Lauren Taylor.
- The Philosopher's Stone Tavern - The best tavern on campus, run by Ash Tanwen.
- Leo Xanthus - Ex-manager 9 years ago, the staff staged a walkout to remove him.
Level 10:
- Alter Bar - Their pricy drinks change your appearance, run by Kornelia Sonnenstein.
Level 11: Upper Campus Lane
- The Dipped Pen - Premier shop for spellbooks, inks, and paper by Lucius Modesto.
Level 13: Godsway
- Divinity Sanctum - A shared worship building for all religions in Fellport, aka the Mithraeum.
- Rings & Things - Purveyor of jewelry both magical and mundane by Ashley Macmillan.
Level 14:
- Dragonskull Brewing - A brewery, distillery, taproom, and bar run by Adam Dreggar.
- Hytt & Nyss Investigations - The premier detective agency in town, run by Hytt and Nyss.
- Restful Spirits - A high-end liquor store and tasting parlor, run by Orin, a dwarven healer.
Level 15: Greenmarket Parkway
- Alabaster Ale Works - A brewery and tasting bar in the Alabaster House.
- Reed Bellamy - "The Ale Guy". Handles deliveries. Does favors. Steals stuff.
- Burberry & Haviland - The best tailors in Fellport, run by Tamal Haviland.
- Highgarden - A public green space maintained by Wyatt and his menagerie.
- The Perfect Pint - Upscale bar run by Bran & Jane Casey.
- Penny's Prognostications - Highly-rated fortunes told by the enigmatic Penny Portico.
- The Crystal Beaker - A run-down alchemy shop with new owner Tilly Redmoon.
- Elemental Solutions - Installs elemental-powered devices, run by Vadym Burza.
- Enid Fenrock - The clever rock gnome twin who invents machines for elementals.
- Glimmer Fenrock - The physical rock gnome twin who hauls and assists.
- Finnegan's - The spiritual heart of The Hills with a wake most nights, run by Tessa Finnegan.
- The Forgotten Flat - A magically-hidden bolthole in an alley, built by Krannock Steelshanks.
- Encounter: Demon on the Docks - An escaped Wastrilith heads for the harbor.
Level 6: Rainbow Road / The Millway
- Healing Draughts - A tiny hole-in-the-wall potion shop run by Tamar the Healer.
- Hues of Life - Heart of the Artist's Quarter, run by Lynn Sanders, the Monk of Paint.
- Imperial Mills - Grinds enough grain to feed everyone in Fellport. Run by Florian Amicus.
- Terra's Bones - A multimedia workshop at the far end of the Artist's Quarter run by Ryn.
Level 7: The Goldway
- The Pennypint Pub - Home of The Penny Chestnut, run by Doyle and Pinkie Wingate.
Level 8: Diplomat's Row / Midmarket
- The Underground - A subterranean shopping complex, converted from a smuggler's hideout. Owned by Duncan McKinsey.
- The Sorcerer's Secret - Wands and accessories by Lydianna "The Whip".
- Steinkellar Bar - Club, bar, celebrities, and private parties by Karanog Dawngold.
Level 9: Council Plaza / Undercampus Way
- The Council House - Fellport's first mansion, currently the seat of the city's government.
- Sariel - Wood elven woman who has served as steward since imperial times.
- Magic Touch Cleaners - Cleans clothes. Owned by Max Silverfoot; run by Lauren Taylor.
- The Philosopher's Stone Tavern - The best tavern on campus, run by Ash Tanwen.
- Leo Xanthus - Ex-manager 9 years ago, the staff staged a walkout to remove him.
Level 10:
- Alter Bar - Their pricy drinks change your appearance, run by Kornelia Sonnenstein.
Level 11: Upper Campus Lane
- The Dipped Pen - Premier shop for spellbooks, inks, and paper by Lucius Modesto.
Level 13: Godsway
- Divinity Sanctum - A shared worship building for all religions in Fellport, aka the Mithraeum.
- Rings & Things - Purveyor of jewelry both magical and mundane by Ashley Macmillan.
Level 14:
- Dragonskull Brewing - A brewery, distillery, taproom, and bar run by Adam Dreggar.
- Hytt & Nyss Investigations - The premier detective agency in town, run by Hytt and Nyss.
- Restful Spirits - A high-end liquor store and tasting parlor, run by Orin, a dwarven healer.
Level 15: Greenmarket Parkway
- Alabaster Ale Works - A brewery and tasting bar in the Alabaster House.
- Reed Bellamy - "The Ale Guy". Handles deliveries. Does favors. Steals stuff.
- Burberry & Haviland - The best tailors in Fellport, run by Tamal Haviland.
- Highgarden - A public green space maintained by Wyatt and his menagerie.
- The Perfect Pint - Upscale bar run by Bran & Jane Casey.
- Penny's Prognostications - Highly-rated fortunes told by the enigmatic Penny Portico.
Level 16: Topside Row
- Elvenhall - Official Embassy to Alfinwald on the grounds of The Garden Manor.
- The Garden Manor - Headquarters of the Garden Manor Society, run by Emma Gardner.
- Topside Gate - The main entry gate into Fellport.
- Umber Manor - Home of Violet Sienna-Bay-Umber, ultra-rich founder of the FCA.
The Rumor Mill
- Elvenhall - Official Embassy to Alfinwald on the grounds of The Garden Manor.
- The Garden Manor - Headquarters of the Garden Manor Society, run by Emma Gardner.
- Topside Gate - The main entry gate into Fellport.
- Umber Manor - Home of Violet Sienna-Bay-Umber, ultra-rich founder of the FCA.
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