
The Rumor Mill - Week 31

We take a slight detour for week 31 of The Rumor Mill, as we leave the comfortable pages of the Dockside Rag and wander the streets of Fellport to overhear snippets of conversation. Most of these quotes simply provide a glimpse into the speaker's perception of the world, flawed though it may be. Some snippets may draw curious adventurers into exploring a part of the city they may not otherwise visit, but maybe the speaker simply dangles trapped bait in front of inquisitive types in an attempt to rob or extort them. Or maybe the gibberings of the seemingly mad reveal snippets of worlds hidden beyond the material plane we all share.

Either way, let's keep our ears open to catch these curious statements floating by on the sea breeze.

1"Darling, you know I never travel lower than Greenmarket except for the theatre."Yes1
2"I can summon fog, poison, and grease, but can I summon a sandwich? Nope."Maybe2
3"You oughtta visit the Goldway Cask. Ask Candy to deal you in for big wins."No3
4"Why did we kill the Ionian ambassador if not to start a war? This is our fault."Maybe4
5"Singing underwater, the songs that never cease. Breaking through the surface..."Yes5
6"Mark my words: Selling pearls in Fellport is easier than minting money."Maybe6
7"Nana says she can't wait to see you at lunch tomorrow. Long life to you."No7
8"I remember when the black sun illuminated a blasted land. Hard days indeed."Yes8

1 - The elegant woman visits the Grand Odeon for shows, but otherwise she snobbishly sticks close to home on Topside.
2 - More enterprising College students have used mage hand and unseen servant to whip up a meal. Get creative, you slacker!
3 - The Lakeside VI runs the Goldway Cask on 7. It's a bar with a secret card game upstairs. Too bad Candy rigs the game.
4 - Some in Fellport still have traditional loyalties to Ionia. The Council didn't kill the Ionian ambassador, but someone did.
5 - "The master seeks release" completes the rhyme. Some Deepspeakers hum or sing this tune looking for fellow contactees.
6 - Many pearls change hands in Fellport, but the College keeps prices low. Pearls sell, but at fixed rates based on rarity.
7 - Nana Bishop leads the Minders, who run a huge protection racket and provide cargo security. This threat means "Pay up."
8 - The black sun shone during the Arcane Night, so the speaker is either an ancient elf or some timeless being. Fey maybe?

Part of T.W.Wombat's Lore 24 project, detailing the world around Fellport.
For all city posts, see the Fellport Index. For posts about the wider world, see the Beneterra Index.

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