
The Rumor Mill - Week 30

Time for a random sampling of topics for week 30 of The Rumor Mill. OK, so it started off as a potpourri of random rumors, but it ended up focusing on leisure and downtime activities. I came up with Hammertunes at first, but I changed it to Pummelcore to better reflect the bardbarian band feel and to steer clear of dulcimer confusion. Who knows if its popularity will persist or if it's just another musical genre fad to be swept aside when the next new thing arrives?

Time to spend some downtime in Fellport and explore some of the softer, less demanding activities in town.

1Pummelcore music's popularity soars, though it takes its toll on instruments.Yes1
2Lucius Modesto at The Dipped Pen will pay good coin for monster parts.Maybe2
3The Camillians run a worse scam than the Minders by charging for healing.No3
4Barbaarse Bende has hit the big times with a gig planned at the Grand Odeon.Maybe4
5Getting a makeover at Eye Candy gives you the confidence to take on the world.Yes5
6If you want a custom-made bag of holding, ask Benson at Mage Threads.Maybe6
7Nobody offers glasses of water any more. It's all beer everywhere you go.No7
8Want to unwind? Ask Roland at Game Realm to teach you a new game.Yes8

1 - Pummelcore songs have faster tempos than other music styles, and hitting stringed instruments makes noisy new sounds.
2 - Yes, but he maintains a bounty list of specific things he will buy. Don't just show up with rat carcasses expecting a payday.
3 - The Minders run protection rackets on the docks and beat up those who don't pay. The Camillians heal everyone for free.
4 - This Barbary band has been kicked out of all the clubs and taverns in Fellport, so the Odeon is the only place left to play.
5 - Cass, the orc bard owner, has an excellent eye, and she can grant persistent Bardic Inspiration through clothes and makeup.
6 - Mage Threads sells bags of holding. The backlog on custom orders (clothes of mending and robes of useful items) is huge.
7 - Only a few bars don't offer non-alcoholic drinks, but many establishments do. Excessive drink causes property damage.
8 - Roland knows game designers and can help playtest and flesh out board and card games. He enjoys bar games and bets too.

Part of T.W.Wombat's Lore 24 project, detailing the world around Fellport.
For all city posts, see the Fellport Index. For posts about the wider world, see the Beneterra Index.

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